19 January 2010

Dream of a teacher!

Most of my dreams are unrealistic and have illogical stories and concepts in them! Take for instance yesterday. I dreamed of being invited to my high school by none other than my most favourite teacher in my life! Ms.Padmini Iyer!
She taught me Chemistry in my Elevent and Twelfth years! I'm totally awestruck at the mere thought of her and that's how much I love her teaching! So, I was called for by Ms.Padmini Iyer in my dreams and I dropped everything to visit her in school!
So, I venture into my school after what Eighteen Years and find her teaching a bunch of kids something. She sees me come in and immediately throws a question at me
"How do you prepare HCl" I'm taken aback. I realize that she is asking me about Hydrochloric acid and am thinking 'nobody prepares HCl. One just buys it from a drug store" . But obviously that cannot be the right answer and am instantly that I do not know the answer and I stutter!
Just then as though luck would have it an office attender appears and tell her that the Princi wants to see her and off she goes!
I heave a sigh of relief and turn around. The whole class is staring at me and all eyes seem to say "So, you do not know how to prepare HCl" . I try smiling away and I realize I start sweating. All my happiness and elation of meeting my favourite teacher remains but I shudder to fail her command!
My heart starts to beat faster and I wake up suddenly and the dream comes to an end. I have some water and go off to bed again! Now, what do I read from it? Why her and why all of a sudden?
Should I meet her? Is it like puranic times when gods appear in dreams and tell them things? Well she is god for me! No one else has stirred so much passion in learning than she has in me.


  1. Is Padmini Iyer the same teacher who taught chemistry at Hindu Sr School, Adyar?
    She was such an awesome teacher and I was so dumb to understand chemistry. I have had many dressing downs during her class but she was the first one to praise me when I put in extra efforts and aced a test.She was once of the toughest dedicated teacher.I passed out in 1993. it's been a good 2 decades now. Is she still around in Indra Nagar...

  2. Hi Gautham, she is "The one!" I have had the same experience as you. I used to bunk all her classes in 11th and i did an about turn in the 12th and wished that she would take more than the regular 5 and 1/2 hours daily class :)
    Also went through the dressing downs and congratulatory experience just the same as you.. :)
    She is just awesome! I passed out in 92.
