06 February 2010

Fuel for thought

For quite sometime we have been seeing advertisements that say that 'In another 40 years, there would be no fuel left"
I would be 75 by then! Hopefully??? alive????? to witness the last drop of today's life line drying up?????? (Why would you even  want to be around when this happens?)
The effects of the drying up resources would be foreboding its arrival much before the actual 40 years elapse. The prices of fossil fuels would likely to have reached such insane levels that they are probably not even available through common outlets! Hopefully by then the world would have shifted to alternative sources of energy.
By energy I don't just mean transportation, I mean pretty much everything that we use from electricity  to cooking gas. Going by present day technologies, nuclear and solar energies are perhaps the only ones that have promise. If there is a some remarkable invention that promises to harness more solar energy than the ones available today and if this technology is mass produced we will see a sea of revolution in our power reliance. We will hopefully see solar panels on all rooftops be it at homes or vehicles or even a phone booth!
Nuclear reactors would have advanced to such an extent that robots are used extensively where humans tread today facing the risk of irradiating themselves. The reactors themselves would have advanced to such an extent that we use fusion reactors instead of the fission ones today, thereby multiplying several times the energy harnessed.
The discovery of higgs boson would somehow have helped scientists understand black holes better and perhaps (this is looking remote) have embarked on a road to simulate blackholes in controlled environments without allowing it to get out of control much like simulating tornadoes in a lab today! The new millenium will look towards this promising source of energy much like we look upon nuclear energy today!
Energy efficiencies would have also improved greatly by the next twenty years. All countries would have ensured that light sources are reduced to solitary units with piped light supplies to all rooms much like centralised airconditioning works today! This would greatly reduce the greenhouse gas emissions improving efficiencies!
Cooking is an area that will continue to rely on electricity and heat based stoves. Even if alternative forms such as microwaves are invented, cooking methods evolved over thousands of years based on heat generating stoves cannot adapt that fast and will continue to primarily rely on classic stoves with perhaps inventive heat generation techniques!
What will happen to vehicular transport? At the pace we are evolving only battery driven vehicles are going to rule the roads in another twenty years! I cannot imagine where all the electricity for charging the vehicles is going to come from? Pace of nuclear technology evolution is not keeping pace with the potential demand of electricity in another twenty or so years.
hmm.. will this happen or not? Lets see in another twenty years. Hopefully blogger is around for me to check what the heck was I thinking twenty years prior (that is this date)

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